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Deuteronomy 11:19, the Bible says to teach children about God’s laws in numerous ways, such as talking about God’s commandments ” Impress them on your children.  Talk to them, when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

The Children’s group welcomes all children aged 4 years and above until Grade 7. They enjoy learning God’s Word and how to apply it in our (their) daily lives. The kids join in at the Community Gathering for Praise and Worship and then move away to engage in a Bible sharing with a story and activities or crafts. These are included during this time they spend together to keep things exciting.  

Besides meeting at the Community Gatherings we also host two events for the kids in the year, one is during March Break and the other in the Summer. The events include Praise & Worship, Bible Study, Arts & Crafts, Games, Movie, Lord’s Day Dinner & overall we try to keep it a fun event for the kids to bond with each other. These events are also open to kids outside of Community so as to Evangelise and spread the word & joy of the Lord to other potential kids & their parents.  It’s a blessing to see the kids bloom and grow in friendship.  We are bridging the gap with engaging the Youth to help out once a quarter and hosting fun activities with the children. 

The children’s ministry also patronizes the open invitation from the People of God Community by attending their summer camps in Emlenton / Pittsburgh, and are very encouraged by other kids under the Sword of the Spirit, and creating friendships across North America.

Come join us as we share our talents and strive to exalt God in all that we do and learn to be more like Jesus each day!


Resources For Children