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Come let us sing for joy to the Lord,

Let us shout to the rock of salvation

Let us come before Him giving thanks

               And extol Him with music and song……..Ps: 95

This is exactly what the Music Ministry seeks to do.  We use our musical talents along with our voices to lead our Community into praising and worshipping God. We are prompted by the Holy Spirit in song and in praise.  Our theme for Praise and Worship is often based on the Sunday Mass readings.

We also encourage our youth to join the Music Ministry so that they can be trained to use their talents at our assembly meetings and at their own gatherings.

At our Community evangelistic outreaches like the Life in the Spirit Seminars, Night Vigils and picnics, we lead the singing to help our friends get into the right spirit of the event. Music is an integral part of any event. How fitting it is to lift our voices to praise the One and Only Mighty God we serve.